Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cruel and unusual burger tasting

Burger King launched a little advertising documentary getting people who have never had a hamburger to taste Big Mac's and Whopper's. Most of the people didn't even know what a hamburger was. My opinion is . . . too bad they are being introduced to American crap food as their first taste. I don't oppose globilization in many ways - but spreading fatty overly processed foods that are obviously a cause of obesity in the United States can be considered disgusting.

Watch the video here: www.whoppervirgins.com


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Tina & Rob have relocated their lives to Geneva, Switzerland. This blog is a story of their adventure during the year and all the details inbetween.

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Finding Simplicity

Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; 
From discord find harmony; 
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein


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