Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Calvinus (Organic)

Calvinism was born here in Geneva. St Pierre Cathedral is the center of it all here. This beer was another 'on a whim' Globus buy. It is an local (brewed in Geneva) organic blonde that is not filtered. You could see the yeast floating around on the bottom. I didn't get a taste but Rob disliked it a lot. He called it super bland and not very exciting. But hey, we tried it and documented it! 

Calvinus Blonde Bio - 5.2%


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Tina & Rob have relocated their lives to Geneva, Switzerland. This blog is a story of their adventure during the year and all the details inbetween.

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Finding Simplicity

Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; 
From discord find harmony; 
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein

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