Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bonus Post

Here is a bonus post for the day.... check out this cool toaster I found at the "InterDiscountXL". I really want one to take one back to the US for me (or as a gift for a fun friend like Erin) but it runs on the wrong power . . . and I already have a toaster. Rob thought is should come with different stencils - now that's an idea! 

Here is a terrible quality picture of an article in the daily newspaper about the protest Rob and I saw. The guy is holding a sign that says translated from French: "Obama to The Rescue". I didn't bother translating the rest of the article...  


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Tina & Rob have relocated their lives to Geneva, Switzerland. This blog is a story of their adventure during the year and all the details inbetween.

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Finding Simplicity

Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; 
From discord find harmony; 
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein

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