Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to Cut a Pineapple

Lately, in the supermarkets here in Geneva I have found an abundance of pineapples for sale. I don't know how often or how much the Swiss actually eat this fruit, but I am taking advantage while they are around! I have really been missing spring and summer seasonal fruits and can't wait for them to come into the stores here. Unlike the US, you can't find fruits that are out of season. In the very Swiss way of conservation, they eat what is in season and therefore help global warming by not importing plums from Chile. I do miss my Chilean plums . . . but I suppose SoCal is a lot closer to Chile then Switzerland.  Don't get me wrong - if you search long enough, you can find the fruits you want, but you have to search hard! 

Anyway, back to the pineapple. My mother in law Tami taught me how to cut the pineapple in a very presentable way. I will share this technique with you! Thanks Tami!

An old picture of the final product. 
Cut Pineapple presentation covered with spring and summer fruits. 

Step 1 - Buy a Pineapple

Step 2 - Cut pineapple in half lengthwise. Leave the leaves alone!

Step 3 - Cut into quarters

Step 4 - Cut under the ridge of core

 Step 5 - Cut from the ridge along the base all the way thru the quarter section. 

Step 6 - Slide piece out

 Step 7 - Cut into finger size bits

Step 8 - Put back into pineapple shell for presentation

Step 9 - All four quarters finished

Step 10 - Feed it to happy husband who is watching Meet the Press.
He is happy about the pineapple but mad at Republican governors. 
The End! 


Young Traveler February 22, 2009 at 11:17 AM  

Thanks for this. No. Seriously.


The Bowers! February 22, 2009 at 11:44 AM  

Wow, that looks super cool! I'll have to try that because my "method" doesn't work worth a darn.

Also, I responded to your comment about my parasite and heart issue.

Happy weekend!

steph.kelley March 2, 2009 at 10:24 PM  

Cuute! Especially the pic of happy Rob. xoxo

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Tina & Rob have relocated their lives to Geneva, Switzerland. This blog is a story of their adventure during the year and all the details inbetween.

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